Red Maple

(Acer rubrum)

Fast growing native tree that matures size of 40’-50’ tall with a spread of 30’ – 40’. Prefers full sun or part shade and does well in most soils in WNC. Great reddish fall color. It has small red flowers in the spring that are great for bees and it’s seeds are good for birds and small mammals.

Cultivars of Red Maple:

‘October Glory’

Broadly oval mature shape that is typically 35’ - 45’ tall by 30’-40’ wide. More heat tolerant and slightly more compact than straight species. consistent great fall color.

‘October Glory’

Red Maple

‘October Glory’

Broadly oval mature shape that is typically 35’ - 45’ tall by 30’-40’ wide. More heat tolerant and slightly more compact than straight species. consistent great fall color.