Land Management
Any type of development increases stormwater runoff due to the addition of impervious surfaces like rooftops and concrete driveways, as well as the removal of natural vegetation. Managing this runoff
Ways We Manage Land:
Ornamental Garden Management
We manage planted areas in the landscape. In addition to pruning which is one of our specialties we also remove invasives…
Forest Managment
Bioretention ponds are more complex versions of rain gardens. These larger depressions are designed to manage greater volumes of water, allowing it to percolate slowly through engineered porous soil and aggregate, often with an integrated drainage system. Bioretention ponds are commonly used in commercial properties like apartment complexes to meet water management requirements.
Meadow Management
Vegetative swales are shallow, wide ditches planted with grass or other vegetation. They are an effective alternative to piping, as they slow down water flow while promoting infiltration and filtration. For example, along roadsides in developments, vegetative swales often carry water between driveways, with culverts allowing it to flow beneath driveways.