Plant Information

What’s in a name?

Plant Taxonomy Terminology:

Domain, kingdom(plantae), phylum/division(cryptograms, phanerogams, Angiospermae, pinophyta), class(Pinopsida), order(ginkgoales), family

Genus – a group of similar plants or animals. The first of two words in a botanical name. In common speech a maple or an oak refers to the Genus

Species – a very similar group of plants or animals that can produce fertile offspring with One another. Straight species – growth rate, origin, ultimate size, main feature, other features and wildlife value Defining a species is difficult even for taxonomists. Technically it means a natural grouping of similar plants (or organisms) that can interbreed. Usually, a species develops over time when the plant group is isolated and through inbreeding becomes a unique species.

Only Evolution Can Create a SPECIES

Cultivar - a cultivated variety of a plant that is intentionally sought out for specific qualities. Some examples: more heat tolerant, better fall colors, different blooms, etc…

Variety –

Cultivar –

Nativar - A cultivar of a native plant that does not negatively affect the plants value for wildlife. most cultivars I listed I would consider a Navitar

Hybrid -

Balled & Burlaped VS. Container Grown VS Bare Root

Tree and Container Sizing Explained

Caliper - trunk diameter about 6” up trunk from ground level



About pricing – b&b vs container, quantity





Tree Planting Service 12/20



-         Deciduous/Conifer




Selection , cultivar, hybrid 








Container vs Balled and Burlap




-         Size




Special notes


Native? History?


Growth Rate